Friday, May 27, 2005

Still Busy, I'm Afraid

LRPP-I continues, sucking up all available time like a giant... vacuum... thing. (Sorry, sleepy.) And not that anybody visits this space, but I hope to be able to blog soonish about going to LA for last Tuesday's penultimate American Idol 4 episode. Yes, I was there, live and in person...

Thanks to all who have communicated condolences and/or pity.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I wonder how George Lucas will be spending his time now...

I could write something about how this post is in the spirit of the opening of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, which I'm psyched to see this weekend in spite of myself.

Because it'll be bad. You know it'll be bad, I know it'll be bad. But then, ooo, light sabers -- cool! Sad, really, but I can't help myself. I'm a nerd.

Anyway, it would just be a thinly disguised excuse to post this. So there it is; read them all. They're weird and funny. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Thoughts on the Nu-cu-lar Option

I hope Will Ferrell plays Bill Frist in the movie.

Of course then they'd have to swap the filibuster protection / removal perspectives between parties, but who's going to care about factual accuracy after watching Will Ferrell for six hours straight? He could get Frank-the-Tank-esquely drunk for an hour, publicly urinate on the floor of the (movie) Senate, then streak. Who doesn't want to see that?

(Honestly, it's not like that would be any more embarrassing for our country than Strom Thurmond filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1957 for 24 hours and 18 minutes. That's the current record. Unfortunately for Strom, it passed anyway.)

And besides, don't the Republicans want to be funny?

I doubt they'd mind the swap, since Republicans have been retreating from the "nuclear option" terminology ever since they brought it up. But if they hadn't, if this flap was called the "Impending Senate Rules Change Debate," would it be getting anywhere near the level of publicity it is now?

Plus their flock seems to like the wording.

I get the impression the religious right is only too happy to strip the minority party of any say in government, which is strange because they present themselves as a persecuted minority... Also strange because, well, it hardly seems very Jesus-y, with "blessed are the meek," and all that.

I know I deride the WWJD meme a lot, but it would be nice if those who claimed to speak for Jesus actually considered it now and again.

Hm... Scattered thoughts much? It's been that kind of a week for me.

For a more serious primer on all of this, check out Tim Grieve's piece here. The section on what might happen if... is fascinating in a weirdly wonkish, or possibly wankish, kind of way.

Okay, one more thought: Is it possible that whoever termed it the nuclear option was just hoping to re-inject the proper pronunciation of "nuclear" into the news? It doesn't keep me up nights, but I do wonder.

Batman as Worst. Wingman. Ever.

If you know exactly who Sam Rockwell and Justin Long are, you have to watch this immediately.

It may be the best thing ever on the web, and its complete and utter inexplicability only enhances how totally awesome it is.

(However I take no responsibility for anything else on the site hosting it, which I have to say looks highly suspect. Like I said, inexplicable.)

Thanks to the wife for reading Blog of a Bookslut for the link.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Desperately Concerned

I think I figured out why the Scavo kids on "Desperate Housewives" are so hyperactive -- Lynette didn't close the damn door! No wonder those kids act out; they're all horrifically emotionally scarred.

My timing, as ever, is impeccable

I'll call it Life Rejiggering Project Phase One (or LRPP-I). In a way, it's great fun and even a bit rewarding, but the down side is that it's sucking up all of my free time (and some more expensive time). Now I'm slammed with an extremely time-sensitive project at work, and a number of life-issues have cropped up in the last couple weeks as well.

My new mantra has become, "Such things shall wait till June... Such things shall wait till June..." All sorts of things are waiting -- some of those life-issues, not insignificant, along with reading, emails, phone calls, clarinet scales, sleep, and so forth. Clearly under normal circumstances I lead a very exciting life.

So was it wise to start a blog in April, when I knew I was moving into LRPP-I? Probably not, but it's definitely a fun diversion. I'll try to keep posting, both for the outlet and in case this is amusing to the 5 people who actually read it, all of whom I know personally. But consider this fair warning that I'm going to be posting thoughts that can be expressed in a couple of lines or less, or otherwise recycling material from elsewhere.

This will probably continue until, say, June. Or so.