Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hey, I can just post links instead of writing something clever myself...

So if I have a blog, where I write things on the web, it only stands to reason that I also read things on the web. Of course, naturally. I've been weighing whether to post links here or not, but I'm totally caving. Periodically I'll share; it can't be helped.

I am definitely not a sports guy. I mean, I have some respect for sports and was happy getting arm's-length updates from housemates when I was, but personally I'm just not into them. I don't have the time. So I don't follow statistics, I don't watch ESPN (though I'd probably check out the Ocho if it existed), and I only pay real attention to exceptionally exciting end of season stuff.

Despite that, I still read the Sports Guy on ESPN. He's just a really good writer, and many thanks to an old housemate who first sent me a link. Especially because his columns on movies and television are flat-out hilarious.

Check out his evisceration of "Fever Pitch" here, quickly, before it disappears into the ESPN subscription archives. Complete with spork flick definition, personal crisis, and investigation into the makeup of a chick flick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote: "Periodically I'll share, it can't be helped." This is incorrectly punctuated. use a semi-colon between "share" and "it." If you don't care, neither do I. If you do, which I'm thinking you do because I know you, then . . . well. . . . you're welcome.

4/30/2005 3:43 PM  
Blogger blerg3000 said...

Let me make a deal with you. I'll replace the offending comma with a semicolon if you would please change "cue" to "queue" in your last post (on magazines). It's been driving me nuts for a week and I haven't found a way to tell you.

5/02/2005 12:19 PM  
Blogger blerg3000 said...

Well, since you were nice enough to publish an entire correction, or at least my thoughts, on your blog (Daily Events in Blogs I Read on the sidebar)... consider that semicolon bought.

5/03/2005 1:03 PM  

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