Thursday, July 14, 2005

Just oddities

Why hasn't anybody codified a system of officomancy yet? A way of reading curious signs and signals at the workplace to see what's really going on -- some days it would be dead useful.

When I arrived at work today somebody had parked their Ford Focus in the middle of two aisles of cars. But right in the middle, very purposefully, in precisely the same orientation as the other parked cars but in exactly the wrong place. Blocking cars in front and in back while neatly cutting off a whole driving corridor. The sort of thing you'd look at and say, "Ass." Personally I think somebody's cracking up.

Inside the building, the constant swirl of moving cubicles around mine brought three new neighbors. (Sometimes I wonder if anybody realizes I sit here, and if someday I'll be asked me to move to the basement without my stapler.) All three new neighbors are wearing the exact same white golf shirt, and a bit ago somebody else in the same shirt dropped by to talk to them. It's eerie.

I'm sure to an outside observer these might seem to be innocent coincidences or only mildly curious events, but I wonder (out of boredom if nothing else) if there's something more sinister at work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe your office cubicles are part of "Cube".

8/05/2005 9:37 AM  

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