Thursday, August 04, 2005

"If I had just one last wish / I would like a tasty fish"

The wife and I went and rewatched The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy last Saturday at Brew & View. (Which was, as always, delightful -- 'cause, hey, movies and beer. Who doesn't like that?)

I knew we were going to see it, so when I picked up an old Wired earlier in the day and saw a page about Hitchhiker's under Start, I thought, hey, synchronicity. I'd avoided press before it came out, but now I could read it. I did.

I have to say I really like the film. I really liked it when I saw it the first time, and I really liked it again. There's so much it gets right, in terms of tone, and it feels genuinely like part of Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's work.

Apparently, it pretty much is. According to Wired, Douglas Adams wrote about 85% of the script and added the two new characters (Humma Kavula and Questular Rontok). Which is great. It's so gratifying that it wasn't aped or copied or regurgitated. It was his own, likely as much as a Disney movie could be. (Grafted-on Arthur-Trillian love story aside, of course.)

It's not to say that it couldn't have been done without him. I'm just happy that in this case, it wasn't.


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