The Miz Speaks
(I originally wrote this one on 9/8...)
I swear we're not watching it, but did everybody know that Mike "The Miz" is on Battle of the Network Reality Stars? Leaving aside the fact that (as a Real World and Real World/Road Rules Challenge alum) he wasn't on a network reality show, per se, the wife sent me an email to let me know about this bit of genius casting.
Consistently one of the best contributors to the wholly remarkable Inferno II, I was intrigued. I read a blurb and found a link to The Miz's website, where you can learn how to get in touch with your own inner Miz -- "what gives MIZ it's amo!" (MTV doesn't cast for spelling or grammar skills. They want skillz.)
Do many Real World cast members have their own websites? Most of them? It's an idle wonder, insufficient to actually research.
I learned from The Miz's site that he works as a motivational speaker -- really, I'm not making this up. Immediately I'm trying to figure out how that works, if he's pushing a gospel of Mizziness and television -- his Real World experience, which is different from real world experience, is claimed as a public speaking selling point. Embrace your inner Miz, get on TV, and then all will be well, your dreams will come true, and so forth? Is that motivational? Is it realistic?
Gus van Sant would be so proud.
I'm left wondering what sort of organization would hire Mike as a motivational speaker. Schools? Schools trying to impart important lessons to children?
"Okay, class, let's give a big thank you to Mike 'The Miz' for coming out to talk to us today. What did we all learn from Mike?"
"Of course we must. But television doesn't just happen to people. What do we need to work on to be on television?"
"Our ABS!!!"
"Very good. Abs are, in fact, essential. But not everything will help us be on television. What do we need to lose, class?"
"No, not weight, too obvious."
"Our DIGNITY!!!"
"Yes. Perfect."
(12/15 update: Regarding Battle of the Network Reality Starts, yeah... We totally watched it. And we'd watch it again.)
I swear we're not watching it, but did everybody know that Mike "The Miz" is on Battle of the Network Reality Stars? Leaving aside the fact that (as a Real World and Real World/Road Rules Challenge alum) he wasn't on a network reality show, per se, the wife sent me an email to let me know about this bit of genius casting.
Consistently one of the best contributors to the wholly remarkable Inferno II, I was intrigued. I read a blurb and found a link to The Miz's website, where you can learn how to get in touch with your own inner Miz -- "what gives MIZ it's amo!" (MTV doesn't cast for spelling or grammar skills. They want skillz.)
Do many Real World cast members have their own websites? Most of them? It's an idle wonder, insufficient to actually research.
I learned from The Miz's site that he works as a motivational speaker -- really, I'm not making this up. Immediately I'm trying to figure out how that works, if he's pushing a gospel of Mizziness and television -- his Real World experience, which is different from real world experience, is claimed as a public speaking selling point. Embrace your inner Miz, get on TV, and then all will be well, your dreams will come true, and so forth? Is that motivational? Is it realistic?
Gus van Sant would be so proud.
I'm left wondering what sort of organization would hire Mike as a motivational speaker. Schools? Schools trying to impart important lessons to children?
"Okay, class, let's give a big thank you to Mike 'The Miz' for coming out to talk to us today. What did we all learn from Mike?"
"Of course we must. But television doesn't just happen to people. What do we need to work on to be on television?"
"Our ABS!!!"
"Very good. Abs are, in fact, essential. But not everything will help us be on television. What do we need to lose, class?"
"No, not weight, too obvious."
"Our DIGNITY!!!"
"Yes. Perfect."
(12/15 update: Regarding Battle of the Network Reality Starts, yeah... We totally watched it. And we'd watch it again.)
Sometimes I am happy we downgraded to basic cable. :)
I just checked the other posting times. I thought I was up and at work early! (up at 5:15, at work by 6:30)
I note that your 12/15 update does not include any mention of our sadness that the MIZ is not featured on the current Real World/Road Rules Challenge. Because our sadness is, in fact, signficant. Not significant enough to keep us from watching, of course....
(Moth, you're a fool! MTV *is* on basic cable, I'm sure of it! Go watch the Real World/Road Rules Challenge, right now!!!! Or, you know, after you change a diaper or something....)
Gauntlet should be on basic cable, and I predict Moth will really like it.
And I was up working late, not early. It sucked.
No, MTV is not on basic cable. When I say basic, I mean BASIC. You are thinking Standard which includes Basic.
We get local stations, and a half dozen or so other stations, and that is it. MTV is not one of them.
You think that I, recovering tv addict, would not know whether or not I have MTV? :)
Wow, that *is* basic. So at what point do you start looking at antennas and thinking, yeah, that's workable?
Trust me, that was the first thought, but then we broke down and went with the basic cable.
At first I thought it would be a huge sacrifice, but with Isabel we don't watch nearly as much tv as we used to. And there is always the internet for fine entertainment like your blog. :)
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