Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wrong! It's Wrong!

Why? Why do people do this? Do they really have so little class, kindness, fashion sense, and/or respect for their babies? What about respect for people who have to see their babies? Is it an entire business based on gag gifts for other people's children?

But let's focus on this item, the "My Mommy's a M.I.L.F." Li'l Beater. ($15.95 plus shipping, and I had to add that apostrophe for them.)

For the sake of all that is good and right, should it not read:

"My Mommy's a M.Y.L.F."????

Because the other way, well, that's just not right on so many, many levels.


Blogger I. said...

This is still my facorite of all the rotten things I got for Declan ... and it's about time for a hand-me-down.

5/22/2006 6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the apostrophe was left out on purpose, maybe it is meant for people who beat Lil, though I don't know what she did to deserve it.

As for I vs. Y, if you ask the Mom is she is an M.I.L.F. it sounds okay, but asking her if she is a M.Y.L.F. wouldn't work. I think you have to chalk it up to M.I.L.F. becoming a descriptive word in its own right that doesn't work at all times when broken down into its components. Sort of like ATM Machine.

5/23/2006 4:29 AM  
Blogger I. said...

Everybody who's ever heard me talk has heard me say this chestnut, but: My favorite thing about the usage 'ATM Machine' is its accompaniment by 'PIN Number.'

5/24/2006 6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which is useful at TSB Bank which used to be Trustee Savings Bank. :)

5/25/2006 8:18 PM  
Blogger blerg3000 said...

Since misuses like 'ATM Machine,' 'PIN Number,' and (from working in telecoms) 'Protocol-Acronym-Ending-in-P Protocol' absolutely drive me up a wall, I'll stand by my M.[I/Y].L.F. opinions. Especially given that the abbreviation-aware punctuation is left in on the Lil Beater (poor Lil).

6/03/2006 1:03 PM  

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