Monday, June 12, 2006

Q vs. N

I know it's just one letter, but does this goof in yesterday's New York Times (online) fill anybody else with great trepidation? I'd prefer to think we're not so confused about which letter goes with which country.

It's the page my browser opens up to, I noticed it, and I took a screen capture. I promise it hasn't been doctored in any way.

It's nice to see it's since been corrected.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iraq....Iran... same country, right? Didn't they both bomb the WTC on September 11th and have bioweapons hidden in the desert? :)

6/12/2006 5:38 PM  
Blogger blerg3000 said...

Not yet, but maybe soon. Sometimes I see a future with no Iraq, no Iran... In their place there will be just one country, Iranq.

It seems like convenience, but it'll actually be a bookkeeping maneuver. With Iranq, instead of 2 failed nation-building invasions, it will only count as 1.

6/13/2006 12:02 PM  

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