Sunday, March 04, 2007

Two Observations

‘The Spirit of Strom Thurmond’ is the wrong plane to send on a diplomatic mission to majority non-white countries.

I envision the following dialogue:
Point: “But Strom Thurmond was a segregationist. He hated black people, not people from the Middle East.”
Counterpoint: “Wow, you guys suck at diplomacy something awful, don’t you?”

Al Gore should not run for president because he’s fat.

And he’s not even that fat. However, since the man won an Oscar, all I’ve heard is how fat he is. Global warming would be more on point, considering the win, but no. Al Gore’s fat, a fatty, cummerbund popping lardo, etc. Just the one thing, similar to when the one thing was that he exaggerates, and nobody could get away from that single descriptor. As long as media can fixate on only one thing about Gore, and as long as that thing isn’t the at least equally accurate technologically savvy, scientifically literate forward thinker who believes in cooperative solutions to large-scale problems, he’ll do more good outside of presidential politics.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Counterpoint: “Wow, you guys suck at diplomacy something awful, don’t you?”

Yes, yes we do.

Al Gore should not run for president because he’s fat.

Maybe that's exactly why he should run, think of the obesity vote!

3/05/2007 4:05 AM  

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