Saturday, May 12, 2007

How should I feel about this?

Beware the Canadian nanotech spy coin!

My reaction is bifurcated. On one hand, I feel reassured that U.S. defense is just that vigilant (read: paranoid). On the other hand, I feel ashamed that U.S. currency is so far behind the rest of the world that something like color is strange... and confusing... to us. We don't understand this peculiar quarter -- might it be from another world?

Any article that so effortlessly includes numismatist gets props in my book.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's actually alien technology used by China to track our spending habits, they infiltrated the Canadian government and have started there.

This is the real reason the US has resisted changing our money, they are trying to hold off the Chinese. Pennies are the only thing that disrupt the technology and is why we still have them.

5/12/2007 10:39 AM  

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