Sunday, May 13, 2007

3 Syndromes of Spider-Man 3

Sorry if there are spoilers here, if you're sensitive to that kind of thing.

Death of Superman/Doomsday Syndrome -- (from comics) Need a specific villain in a hurry? Have one pop out of the Earth or fall from the sky. 20 feet away, say, in a park. Explanations are for tossers.

Superman III Syndrome -- (from the movie, comics versions are too numerous to mention) Irrational belief that any plot where the good guy goes evil is self-justifying. (Questionable at best.)

Batman & Robin Syndrome -- (from the movie) In place of a coherent plot, fill the movie with bad guys, good guys, minor players, any characters that come from the comics you can find a place for; more can only be better. (There are two corollaries: (a) If the costume has plastic exterior nipples, leave. Leave now. And (b) any Joel Schumacher movie is near-guaranteed to suck.)

Spider-Man 3 has an off-chance of inspiring its own syndrome, one where the good guy goes bad plot culminates with vengeful jazz dancing, but applications appear limited.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Spidey 3, but I do have to wonder about your first choice. There are basically three cities on Earth that all humans should avoid: Gotham, Metropolis, and New York City (Smallville runs a close 4th). Those three cities represent the locations/vacation spots of about 99% of the supervillians on Earth!

Of course they pop out of the woodwork with little to no warning, there has to be something that attracts them though. Maybe Triple-V (Very Villainous Vacations) has given each city it's highest rating?

5/15/2007 3:27 AM  
Blogger blerg3000 said...

What about Central City (The Flash)? Runaways (a BKV comic now written by Joss Whedon) is set in LA and has a few nice throwaway jokes about how there are no other superheroes there.

From which we learn that supertypes fear earthquakes? Maybe they think the possibility of cleaning up after FEMA is too much responsibility.

5/19/2007 4:53 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Yeah, that whole bad-ass envenomated Peter Parker vengeance / dancing / make Mary Jane feel bad scene was SO over the top, it was great.

Good movie when everyone was in the air, meh the other times.


5/25/2007 10:27 AM  

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