In Defense of Comic Books
Drawing on old material...
A while ago, a friend at Daily Events wrote a post called Gagging on Deep Throat, where he spuriously compared pornography to comic books to make the point that pornography doesn't deserve consideration for artistic merit.
There are a few objections one could make here (or not, if you agree), but I (being me) didn't appreciate that he maligned comics to make a point. It lead to a interesting, involved discussion of medium, value, genre, etc., which I'll completely ignore here. I thought my initial response might be worth posting.
Let's draw a distinction between genre and medium.
Genre to a large extent dictates content. The western is a genre that consists of cowboys, Indians, and gunfights. Sci-fi is a genre that consists of space exploration and futuristic science. The superhero story is a genre that consists of, well, superheroes. Porn is a genre that consists of sex, lots of sex, often explicit. And so forth.
I'm oversimplifying, of course, but you get the idea.
Medium, on the other hand, is a means of transmitting content. It's a wrapper. It does not dictate content. Television is a medium. The novel is a medium. The CD is a medium. Comic books are a medium. Radio, film, theater, DVD, etc. To a medium, content is largely irrelevant. The medium is only the mechanism by which one transmits information.
Porn is a genre. Comic books are a medium.
Please don't compare apples to apple carts.
A while ago, a friend at Daily Events wrote a post called Gagging on Deep Throat, where he spuriously compared pornography to comic books to make the point that pornography doesn't deserve consideration for artistic merit.
There are a few objections one could make here (or not, if you agree), but I (being me) didn't appreciate that he maligned comics to make a point. It lead to a interesting, involved discussion of medium, value, genre, etc., which I'll completely ignore here. I thought my initial response might be worth posting.
Let's draw a distinction between genre and medium.
Genre to a large extent dictates content. The western is a genre that consists of cowboys, Indians, and gunfights. Sci-fi is a genre that consists of space exploration and futuristic science. The superhero story is a genre that consists of, well, superheroes. Porn is a genre that consists of sex, lots of sex, often explicit. And so forth.
I'm oversimplifying, of course, but you get the idea.
Medium, on the other hand, is a means of transmitting content. It's a wrapper. It does not dictate content. Television is a medium. The novel is a medium. The CD is a medium. Comic books are a medium. Radio, film, theater, DVD, etc. To a medium, content is largely irrelevant. The medium is only the mechanism by which one transmits information.
Porn is a genre. Comic books are a medium.
Please don't compare apples to apple carts.