Thursday, August 10, 2006

Pulling Back the Curtain

I've been calling it my Life Rejiggering Project (or LRP). It's probably not remembered (and likely not worth it), but a while ago here I made a few comments on Phase One (or LRPP-I).

And what is LRP, you might wonder? (Or not.) Well...

Law school, baby. Law school.

I'll write more about it when I have a better opportunity to collect my thoughts, but today I just wanted to put it out there. (I was also a little worried I was pissing off Moth.)

If right now you want to be the first person to call me a scumbag, you're already too late. Since I started working toward this I've learned that apparently people don't much like lawyers. Ah well, I'm still excited.


Blogger mcm said...


You're lucky I love you....

8/10/2006 1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, not pissing me off at all, I can be a very patient person. :)

And I won't call you a scumbag, that really shouldn't happen at all....until you graduate.

Maybe you can combine this with my last guess and go be a lawyer for a lobbying group. That's how you really make friends. :)

8/10/2006 7:31 PM  
Blogger blerg3000 said...

I believe you can be a very patient person, and that I should be more worried for that.

I doubt I'm going to be interested in lobbying, and I doubt very, very much that I'd be even decent at it. Right now I'm looking forward to finding out what the practice of law is like. As soon as I learn what this law thing is and how it works and all that.

8/10/2006 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say you need to be worried, unless there is a reason. :)

Will you be studying "Bush" law where you get to make it up as you go?

Just remember, if they pay you, they are not guilty.

8/11/2006 4:58 AM  

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