Sunday, September 24, 2006

Am I There Yet?

I suppose so. With classes starting tomorrow, I'm a little nervous that it's taken 2 days to prepare for one day of classes. I don't think anybody exaggerated the amount of work.

Though I have prepared (extensively, maybe?), I have no way of telling if I am prepared. I suppose I'll find out soon enough, and I'm not feeling as nervous as I would have thought. I'm excited. I love new information, and deciphering several decisions has been nothing but new information, new reasoning, a different way of looking at the world, at history. Plus, if I make an ass of myself, it's all a learning process.

Neat. Here goes...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Urban Thought, in free verse

Dear Sir or Madam,


get off your cell phone

while you parallel park, illegally,

your Hummer

in pedestrian traffic.

Thank you.

(Hardly original, I know, but damn, people. Or: Damn people.)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Good Eats, Too

This really happened. (From the wife's blog, why repeat?)